Monday, June 2, 2008

My List! ^___^

Things to do before I go out:

  • Ã To have a servant heart
    Ã To love my mom
    Ã To love my little sister
    Ã More time with family than friends
    Ã Create a Manga and sell them in Manila
    Ã Go to Manila and create closure
    Ã Go to Manila and sell comics & Prints for Fund Raising
    Ã Work at least for a month!
    Ã Worship lead in the sanctuary
    Ã Worship lead in Sunday School
    Ã Share the Gospel to all my unbeliever friends
    Ã Write at least 20 songs
    Ã Create my own album
    Ã Disciple 3 teens
    Ã On my trip to manila, visit hospitals
    Ã To have a powerful praying spirit
    Ã To have a heart thirsty to worship God
    Ã Write the summary of my whole story, chapter by chapter
    Ã Create an art book of 20 pages with deep meanings
    Ã Create small (very small) booklets of sharing God’s Word w/ art
    Ã Sell some of my clothing or give it away
    Ã Finish Reading all my books
    Ã Revise the 4 spiritual laws
    Ã Be of Help in the ministries of the church
    Ã Finish all the profiles of my characters
    Ã Be responsible
    Ã Consistency of devotions
    Ã Strengthen Faith
    Ã Learn Chinese or Japanese
    Ã Share the word of God, DAILY

Things I have to let go, to go out:

  • Ã Cosplay Dreams
    Ã Spending money with new clothes
    Ã Spending money on unnecessary art materials
    Ã Buying of Manga
    Ã Watching too much Anime
    Ã Timidity
    Ã Laziness
    Ã Several Friends
    Ã Buying of unnecessary things
    Ã Anime mindset
    Ã My own comfort
    Ã Internet (Chat & Surfing) Only chat once a week and blog daily
    Ã Fashion

A list to Pray for:

  • Ã Flight Tickets to Manila
    Ã Flight Tickets to Hong Kong for the Christmas Outreach
    Ã Funds for the art books and prints
    Ã Time to do everything on time
    Ã A clear path
    Ã A Servant Heart
    Ã Focus
    Ã Supporters
    Ã Courage
    Ã Faith
    Ã Commitment & Dedication
    Ã Schedule to be written and followed
    Ã School of Worship
    Ã Christmas Outreach
    Ã Leadership skills
    Ã Wisdom

"A woman has to do what she has to do"


Dennis Li said...

lei-chan~ ill pray for yah too~ :D get that sprained knee well okay? ^__^ i hope to do business with you and shobe some day! :D it'd be fun! we can sell ur manga ang all! :D kweee~ :D happiness!!~

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