Saturday, September 24, 2011

At Your Feet

I've been away from you,

once was i sitting at your feet,

listening to all that you say,

feeling your presence all day.

Now that I've grown up,

things have changed and fast.

I can't seem to keep myself,

sitting at the feet i once loved.

The heart of Mary that I've had,

Has far gone long now away.

Martha's heart is what I've caught,

and now I'm tired and lost.

I can't see the joy of living no more.

Work and responsibilities is all i have.

The joy of life has long gone disappeared.

Oh God, I miss sitting at your feet.

I want to put all the trays down,

and just listen and be with You.

But i don't understand at all,

Why I can't do it Oh Lord. .

Are the trays stuck on my hands?

Oh dear God. I want to sit down.

I want to be near, oh so close to You.

I've lost track of my sight, i need You.

Dear God, can you please help this lad?

I am long astray, working like crazy.

I've pleased others more than You.

How can i keep my eyes back to You?

Dear God Dear God. . How i miss you so.

Please take me back, I'm tired and lost.

I want to sit once again at your feet,

And listen to the beauty of your voice.

Dear God. . Please forgive my heart.

For it has began to please others,

And lost sight of your amazing love.

Now my heart is oh so weary and pale. .

Dear God. . I ask for the heart of Mary,

I want to sit at your feet once again,

I want to let go of these trays,

and let the heart of Martha fade away.

God, my God. Please hear my Plea,

Bring me back, Oh God please.

I know only You can save this heart,

This weary, tired and faded heart.

At Your feet, once more I want to sit.


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