Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Right now, i don't want any guys to interfere in my dreams, i don't want anyone to court me, nor even express their feelings to me! o.o

I want to focus on God's calling for me, i don't want to lose my momentum, i don't want to find my worth in man's eyes but in God's. I have so much to learn, and i want to learn it with God alone. No man is accepted in my heart for now, it is not yet my time and i don't want to fall into any temptation.

I know there are times that i do want to have a special someone, but i always end up fighting against it coz its not yet my time..

Right now, i do have my eyes on someone, but i cannot imagine myself to be with him for a lifetime...:) i guess its a woman's nature to like the opposite gender indefinitely until the time she gets married. 

This guy i've known since the day i transferred here in davao, and had been a huge help to me and an awesome friend. :) He did become my school mate and org. mate...:D till now, he's my crush, but it won't go any further. I want to stay liking him, coz i know its safe, for he likes someone else..:D it'll keep me single and not focused on him nor to any relationships.

Boys? I like them, i can't live without having someone, but for now, it's just not the time, coz if he'll enter my life now, surely my dreams will be crushed into pieces.


Anonymous said...

God is preparing the brightest and loveliest, gift-wrapped present for you up there. He's still doing a little of this and that. So no need to hurry shob.

God who loves and bless you as always knows the perfect one who'll take good care of you. In the meantime, enjoy life for life is always worth to enjoy everyday. :D

and of course, you will have our full support~!!! yay~!!! Ganbatte neh.


Vahn (Transferred) said...

I agree with Alain..
I really can see you have that conviction within you...

Just as the scripture says: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30 NIV)

In the same way, I'll support you too ! ^_^


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